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I can't disarm / arm my Scout - the Scout is non responsive in the app

Under any circumstances DO NOT attempt to remove the Scout from the iOS Bluetooth device list to resolve the connection. This will break the bonded/encrypted connection to the Scout.


Firstly, try a force close of the Knog app, by bringing the app to center screen, then swipe up to close it. Reopening the Knog app should establish the connection back with your Scout, where you can now disarm or arm the Scout again.


You can also try logging out of the Knog app and then logging back in, as this can also re-establish a connection.

If this doesn’t solve the issue, you can try restarting the Scout by connecting the Scout to power via the USB-C port.

If the above does not work, or you have manually altered your Scouts Bluetooth settings and broken the bonded Bluetooth connection you can try a factory reset and set the Scout up again to see if this fixes the problem. You can find the Factory reset process for Scout Bike here, and for Scout Travel here.


If you Scout is in an armed state or the alarm is sounding, do not attempt a factory reset. Please reach out to our customer service team for further assistance.

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